Tuesday 14 August 2012

My Mum

Every year my Mum goes away to Bali for 3 weeks on holiday and I get to feed her cats but I get paid $10 a day to go and walk up the hill to feed them.  It is a five minute job but it takes me an hour to go and do it which I don’t mind doing.   My Mum has being my biggest support so has my Dad.  When I was little after I got diagnosed having Cri Du Chat and began speech therapy, my therispt at the time wanted me to learn sign language and Mum turned around and said that I would speak in my own time, which I did.  Growing up I was treated normally as possibility and no friends of my parents would turn away just because I had Cri Du Chat.  My Mum is a lawyer so she works really long hours but she is always there for me whenever I need her.  Her work is about five minutes up the road from where I live now which is always handy.   When I finished high school I decided that I wanted to live with my Mum full time because I didn’t want to have to go back and forth from each house and so did I, when I moved out of home early 2009 we decided on a day which we would have lunch and swap magazines so every Wednesday my Mum picks up in her Porsche and takes me out to lunch and in the weekends we go down to the market together on Saturday mornings and then I go up to their house on Sundays for lunch because I  can catch up with my stepdad Rob.  So for the next three weeks I won’t have any lunch dates with my Mum on a Wednesday but that is all right because my Mum deserves a holiday and even though I will miss her.  I have other people to go and talk to or text to like my brother, sister, Dad, my stepmum, my boyfriend, my best friend Blue, Cricket (my boss at Trade Aid), my caregiver.  I don’t think I would be where I am today without my Mum or my Dad.  My parents are wonderful and I don’t say that often to them.  Enjoy your holiday Mum because you truly deserve it.   

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post! It sounds like you have a wonderful mom and have a great relationship~ cherish it:)

    Pam Stubblebine (Timoth's mom)
